Sunday, April 19, 2015

Primum Exemplarium: Philosophy & History in Subject+++as "WORK IN PROGRESS" with Renewed Contract on Hold--Evaluation to Ties Niejnesses (Springer-Verlatg)the Tradition of Late Experimental Design of Quantum Mechanics as Number Theoria (as Engineering Systems Analysis of Anglo-American + Contemporary Action Philosophy (Balliol College, Oxford) + Actus of Creation--as Medaeval Ex NihiloVacuo--& Intelligent Design from Plato to Max Plank + Einstein+ Bohrs + Heisenburg De Buddhist -Taoist I-Ching

Abridgement to Anglo-Phone + Saxon + Germanic to Indian + Chinese + Sino-Korean/Japanese Philosophy--Ipso Converso in Relatio to E-Texts to E-Meta-Text + Narrative Analytic Case Studies
for Constructive Policy Studies + New Thought in Light of Faith, Hope, Love + Wonder with "Undiscovered Home Land--from Diaspora to Culture of "Rootedness" + not "Desolation of X-Generation--but of true, genuine, "internal+inter-subjective Hope for Renewing the "FACE of the Earth & Heavens------!!!!!!! T0 & For the Immortalist, not (VIZ., A.Gide's IMMORALIST) of TS. Eliot, SY Agon, Franz Kafka++++Michael Walzer, Robert Nozick, Sidney Morgenbesser (Late, RIP)
John Von Neuman, Oppenheimer+ Michio Kakiu--Wittgenstein, Ban Vasen, Hilary Putnam, Paul Fyreband, MM Bakhtin, J. Derrida--Nicholas Birns--Roland Barthe, Sauserre--GB Evans--Roger L. Deakins- (Late @ SUNY Stony Break), Roman Jakobson, Steven Rudy--Tstevan Todorov, Peter Brooks, Stanley Fish, John Maynard, John Rawls--Richard Rorty--Harold Bloom++++Ronald Dworkin (Late,RIP), Joel Fienberg (Late, RIP )-----WV Quine,Thomas Nagel for (what is semsantics if we doubt doubt=two contra-negative (a proposition) of truth in the fiery, febrile &labile ennui + mailaise + plight of this world--we kneel to A silent god--absconditus-YHWH--Veiled to Hope of the "transmigration of souls''---------(Absconditus) Sacrum Salentium--St. Mikhail--Ark---1st + 2nd--Inter-testimonial __Amongst the Hellenization + Romanization Culture + A Babylonian Kingdom--
we kneel + cry in hearts for Mercy, but Incontrovertible Love of God & His Narratological Promise of the Word of God--of Wayfarers + Exilees + Strangers! To Modern Orthodox Jewish Philosophical Theologians, Anglo-Phone-American/Australian-New Zealand-Philosophical Theologians, + African + Espana Philosphical Theologians of Europa (E-W) + Classical Asiatic Philosopher--who studied & training in the West--as what I can I say for what goes in the world???Can You tell, and only be Silent--"Silence is the Highest Praise"--Proverb--

Vangoh's Psalm of King David: "I am a stranger to this world!!!!!!!!"

To & For My Very Good-Friend--Benjamin X. Liu's Pater--Senior (Elder) & Foremost U.N. Diplomat for USA, Taiwan, HK, Shanghai, Mainland China supra++++ Chinese & Political Philosopher + leading Novelist (of  the "Other China") BA/BS----Taiwan National University, M.Phil, UV-Berkeley---Political Science, I-R + Chinese + Political Philosopher  & Oriental Humanist--
Thank you Ben for "greatly" giving me the SEEDLING for which with /out your interest in this Journal &SCPC--a Life-Cycle of a Blog would become "Fade to Black"--METALLICA----

To & For Charles Lieberman, Ph.D--Chair-of Doctoral Symposium on Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism & Electronic + Cyber-Surveillance--Director-National Security + Public Safety-(2008)
University of New Haven--infra Yale University--Political Science, I-R + Arpa/Darpa Intra Governmental + Intelligence Management & Assurance Division---

To & For Dr. Nicholas Birns & Gautam Ramakrishna, MD, Barry Latzer, JD,  Ph.D as Founding
Executive Advisory Board----& to & for CHRISTINA CZH, Mary Gibson, Adina Swchartz,
Michele Lowrie---&FW Ned Benton--------John Maynard, Roger Deakins,

KIM & Wang/Tucker-Lowrie + Kowalski/Maynard + Deakins + Birns///Collective & Group/Conference--

Civilization--Raising the Janus Face + Mt. Sisyphus---from existenial {"quintessence of dust" Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark.}
in the 3 Aeon, 5 Billion Kalapas--until we reach Nirvana of Heaven---"Karma Puzzl & Assonance through conciliation of Mind--unification (in Sino-Korea--Jung Shing-Toeng Il)" of Buddhist, Jewish, + Gospel of Law of Divine Mercy & Love--Christ suffering us, & in by His Wounds + Blood & Body we eat + drink--The "True Holy Grail"--O my Divine Lord, Son of God--what have I done in my Mind & Theoretical Paper Dragon, Thou have accepted the Sacrifice of askesis of a true, solitary monk of the No Order--Winter Sub-Tropics of 0 0 Land-- + oblation of my Hearte, & you have filled it with praises + glory, Not of this world, but with One--of Solidarity in St. John the Divine, TOTUS TUUS--Totally Yours, Queen Angels, Queen, Theotkos,
Turrica Davidia--of Martyrs, Patriarchs, + Criminalle of the Afflictorium--

Thank You, Always--Much Love--in Sincerity of the Hearte of Truth--nobillesse+ kinder recto ratio--

Richard S.Y. Kim, Ph.D, Primatus Abbotus--Dae Han Su Dos Sa

Order & Society of SS Thomas & Bartholomew

Dean: Dr. Nicholas Birns--AB Columbia--NYU, New School
Dean: Dr. John Maynard, NYU (Harvard___)
Dean:  Dr. Roger Deakins-NYU (Harvard
            my Deus Pater-[s]-of Language de Literaturea)
Dean: James P. Kelleher,, MD (NYU-Yeshiva-Harvard)

Confessor to Abbotus Primatus--Beou Wheol Kim--Sue Doe
Sa--Spiritual Director: Rev'rd Father-K. Appolinari Kowalski-
St. Joseph Seminary-STB-0-MDIV-Angelicum University of Rome--
Catechists Society of Westchester County--Lucy + Richard S.Y. Kim, Ph.D
Sacred Heart Church. Hartsdale, IHM, Scarsdale, Church of St. John, White Plains,
New York, Ardsley Methodist Church,  Korean Methodist Church, White Plains,
New York, White Plains Presbyterian Church---

Lucy Tucker,  Bryn Mar A 1st Ancient Classics (Greek + Latin)+ Fordham.
LMSW, St. Joseph Seminary-MA Religious Studies + Theology-
Pontifical Angelicum de St. Thomas Aquinas University, Vatican

Dean: Christina Czechowicz--Harvard ABD, MPHIL, Fordham
Dean; Dr Mary Gibson, JJC College, CUNY Graduate Center, Columbia
Dean: Dr FW Ned Benton--U of I, Urba-Champaigne, I-O, Clinical/Experimental
Dean: Dr Michele Lowrie, Yale, Harvard, NYU, Chicago--
Dean: John Kleinig, USidney, MIDIV, Ph.D--Australian National U---JJC-(CUNY)
Legal Philosophy + Criminal Justice Ethics, Public--Professional Ethics of Value + Morals-
Dean: Barry Latzer, JD, Ph.D--CUNY Graduate Center--John Jay College of Criminal Justice (CUNY) US Constitutional Law, Death Penalty Policy + Jurisprudence--
Dean: Robert Turley--President & CEO---Korean Art Society, Journal & Curator--in North America
& Korea, China & Japan--Korea Society--NY, NY----
Dean: Adolf Soto,MD, BA-Fordham--SUNY Buffalo, NYU-Clinical + Forensic Psyciatry

Division-Public Management/Criminal Justice-I-t/Philosophy
+ Economics (Political)--
CUNY Graduate Center--
Dept. English Education, CRj__Criminology/MIXED  Research Methods0001623825627Cyber-Security + Philosophical--Meta-Mathematical Logic+ IDEOGRAM SOCIETY--

International Society of Wing Chung & School of Philsophy--
Grand Masters: Sifu Chan, + Great Sifu--David Kwan--Chinese Martial Philosphy of Peace/
Shin Ran Society--Kyoto, Kamykura--
Applie Logic Group, Subscribing List Serv. Member, + Recruiter of UL UCollege--for New PHD Progam in Information Technology + Structural Decision Analysis + Applied Logic Group--
Korean Art Society, Member
Abbot Society